•CAR Type Select : 10 Categories
•Dual Steering: Able to set your rudder angle individually
•Best Fit Setting: Able to set your best condition
•Curve Setting: Able to fine adjust 9/18 point curve
•LCD Display: 128×256 full dot LCD display
•Custom Menu: User friendly Menu structure
•DMS Setting:Directly read your registered model at the launch
•TH 5:5 mode: TH neutral pulse 1.5m sec
•Point AUX: integrated Maximum 6 points AUX
•MOA MIX : Respond to 2 motor throttle
•4WS MIX: Respond to Front and Rear steering individually
•SPEED Setting: ST/TH point, direction setting available
•MODEL Sorts Setting: Model Order can be sorted as you like
•Ch Set Menu Setting: Setting menu for every CH